Friday 2 November 2012

Lamb chops

Our car slowly creeps down the bumpy driveway.  We look out the windows at Crusader's paddock.  We can usually spot him wandering around munching on what's left of the crispy dry grass.  But today the cheerful horse is not in his paddock.  Clip, clop, clip, clop. The sound of hooves on hard ground startles me.  I look to my right and see Crusader's wet nose poking out over the fence.  He watches our car come to a stop before the big red door of our Nana's barn.

I leap out of the car and run up the crumbling steps towards the ranch slider.  I push open the door, step inside and kick off my boots.  I explore the house and soon find the only one home is Tiger, my Nana's pesky cat.  "Out of the way", I say as I ran across the midnight blue carpet towards the back door.  I shrivel up my nose at the smell of fresh dog poo.  "Jimmy", I say as I dodge a pile of steaming poo.

I go back around the house, grab my shoes and run down to the gate that leads to the main paddock.  I look through the hole in the gate.  Boque, Crusader's crazy girlfriend is standing beside a black and white blob that looks about the size of a small car.  The blob makes the most annoying mooing sound possible and looks in my direction.  "Moo to you too you stupid cow", I say.

I leap over the gate not bothering to try and open the latch that is far too complicated for me.  I squeeze along the fence so the cow won't spot me.  A soft fluffy forehead that I believe belongs to Crusader brushes against my back.  "Crusader you are lovely company", I say as I push him away.  "But I don't want a cow charging me right now." I sneak the rest of the way to the shed not wanting to blow my cover.  I look over the wall and spot an inside out sheep lying on the concrete.

I drag my brother and sister to the barn and show them the sheep.  "Maybe Nana was going to eat it," said my blood thirsty brother.  "Nah" says Rebecca, "That's a little too out of date."  Rebecca, Sean and Mum soon get bored and look for something to make a model for the technology challenge.  I scramble over the wall to get a closer look at the the sheep and trip over something that feels like a sticking hurt my knee.  I look behind me and see that it's not a stick it's a cut off sheep leg.  I look back around and find I'm face to face with a second sheep.  But what makes it even more gross is it's brown shriveled up tongue is hanging out.
I walk back up to the house and sit in my poppa's chair.  Finally the day is over.

By Claire

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