Monday 28 February 2011

90 Days of Summer

It must have been 100 degrees outside.  Whatever the heat, it was enough to make my head hang out of the open window, enjoying the cool fresh breeze as it hit my sunburnt face.  I stared up at the poplars that lined the edge of the cul de sac, the gaps in the leaves allowing the sunlight to shine through like stars.  I couldn't imagine a better day. 

The smell of the open sea alerted me that there was water nearby, a basic necessity of every summer day.  It wasn't long before I was running wildly up the wharf, about to dive bomb into the deep.  My eyes had never sighted something so beautiful.  The sand sparkled like jewels and the bubbls of my breath wobbled like little jellyfish as they rose.

I could see the sun glistening through the water.  It was heaven... for a moment.  I felt something tugging on my foot, dragging me under furiously.  I was gasping for air.  My lungs were on fire.  It was like a dream. 

I clung to my bedsheets, like they were a lifesaver.  My bedsheets?  I really opened my eyes and it will remain just that- a dream.   A very crazy dream.  One that I will never forget.  But little did anyone know that my crazy dream would soon come true.

By Rebecca

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